Camping in the Heat

The last couple weeks I’ve traveled from Texas to Florida. It probably wasn’t my smartest plan to travel to the south in the summer but it was definitely a learning experience. Florida is a beautiful state, so green and lush, with so much more wildlife than I ever expected. During my time here, I have seen monkeys, alligators, manatees, turtles, sting rays, deer, opossums, armadillos, and signs for panthers and crocodiles! Every town is lined with beautiful trees, the people are so friendly and the state parks are some of the best in the country. But it sure is hot and humid!

I want to share some of the lessons I’ve learned when camping in the south. These might be obvious to most but as a native of the Pac NW, these aren’t usually necessary for us.

1.) Bring a tent with a rain fly [Duh]. Storms roll in unexpectedly and quickly around here so if you are pitching a tent, make sure it has a rain fly so your stuff doesn’t get soaked.


2.) Get a good water bottle. This whole trip I have been using a Nalgene bottle, which, up to this point, has been fine. I got use to drinking warm water. But recently I decided to splurge and got a 40 oz. Hydro Flask and it has been one my best decisions. There is nothing better when laying in your tent on a hot night and having access to COLD water, immediate cool down. Plus this particular water bottle keeps it cold forever! Not literally but long enough to finish the bottle. [NOTE: More than 60 million plastic bottles get thrown away every day! So get a reusable water bottle or at the very least, RECYCLE!]


3.) Ditch the sleeping bag! Don’t even bother, it’s too hot and it doesn’t cool down at night, at least not much. Instead, use a sleeping bag liner or if you don’t have one, simply bring a big sheet and fold in half.

4.) Get a fan! People do that here, you have to do that here and in most campgrounds, even the tent only spots have access to electrical. So get a fan and get a 50 foot extension cord (just to be safe). You won’t regret it!

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5.) Don’t forget the mosquito repellent, or I should say bug repellent. I have received the full spectrum of bites in Florida from mosquitos to ants to no-see-ums (sandflies) so don’t forget the deet or if you prefer a safer/less poisonous alternative… do it! Also, don’t forget to bring it with you in your tent and reapply before exiting as the bugs are thick in the morning too!

6.) Sometimes you just need to take a break from camping in the heat. As Franklin would agree, an air-conditioned hotel room can do miracles both mentally and physically for us wimpy Oregonians.


It’s been wonderful to see so much of Florida from the gulf coast to the Keys and up the east coast. There is so much to do and see and I can’t wait to come back in the winter and really experience it all.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Mom says:

    So glad to here you are going back to Austin for awhile. Hurricane season is approaching!

    Liked by 1 person

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